Attention, please!

We are very happy to announce that we will soon be debuting a brand new feature here on Militia Cheerleader consisting of exclusive interviews with those Boston Militia players brave enough to face the type of harsh questions and cutting-edge journalism that one only gets from a tenacious correspondent who just doesn’t really feel like working on the thing she’s supposed to be doing for work so she comes up with capricious questions instead.

Our marketing department has been debating what to call this feature, and recently narrowed it down to either “Meet Your Militia” or (with apologies to Stephen Colbert) “Better Know a Militia.” That led to the following exchange between the Militia Cheerleader and her friend Left Fielder:

Left Fielder: FYI, I like “Meet Your Militia” better.
Militia Cheerleader: “Meet Your MOM’S Militia.”
Left Fielder: “I Got Yer Militia Playa Right Here.”
MC: “Kiss My Militia.”
Left Fielder: “Oscar Meyer Has a Way with M-I-L-I-T-I-A.” Wow, that’s good.

We’re planning to move forward with “Meet Your Milita”, by the way; I just wanted to share that conversation with you because it made me laugh so suddenly that I snorted Diet Coke up my nose. May it do the same for you, my friends, may it do the same for you.

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