So much awesome, so little time

Your faithful Militia Cheerleader is snowed right the eff under at work right now, so you are going to have to do without the usual copious commentary on each of these things for the time being. If I wait until I can snarkily write about each one it might be, like, Halloween or something. And HELLO we are in the midst of a countdown! A countdown to….THE SHOWDOWN IN SOMERVILLE. (Could that dude look any more blasé about the whole thing? Ho-hum, yup, gonna flip a coin, maybe have a make-believe hotdog.)

  1. Yes, that’s right! The Militia are just 1 wind away! (Let’s hope it’s not a mighty wind.)
  2. Since I can’t watch videos at work I sadly have to wait before getting to see what I have been told is the best! show! evah! (which could be sarcastic, actually; I won’t know until I watch it or someone posts a review in the comments).
  3. Finally, I received a fascinating tip yesterday from someone whom I suspect is a member of the rogue underground Militia Liberation Movement: this link.

    Just take that in for a minute.

    It might be the crazy-making workload or the low blood sugar, but I don’t even know where to start with that one. Not in a “I love/hate it so much I can’t think of the right words” kind of way, just…I have so many different thoughts about it that I literally don’t know where to start.

    You got anything?

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