There are so many things about this season that are SKETCHY with a capital SKETCH but I’m going to try to spread them out into multiple posts because I’m afraid my tendency to condense rancor is accelerating Tiny Coach’s transformation into a bitty little hater: [clear]
Conway: See, the red guys are playing the blue guys. We want the blue guys to win. Yay blue guys! Go, blue guys!
Tiny Coach: I like RED guys.
So since the WFA site still says there’s a game against the Seahawks (there isn’t) and the Boston Militia site is missing an important event on 4/26, here is the 2014 Boston Militia Schedule per the First Fan Family:
[table id=15 /]So speaking of the First Fan Family, which I pretty much always am ’cause that’s us and it’s my blog and all, it’s Backseat Coach’s birthday week! And despite six weeks of trying, we were unable to procure a babysitter for tonight so I was planning to stay home with TC & Scout so BSC could go to the game and do the Twitter thing. I was also going to ask some of my Militia insiders if they could have Toin Coss guy give a b-day shout-out to BSC during the game, but yesterday he told me that he had already arranged for ME to go and for him to stay home with the kids and do the Twitter thing based on the streaming video (if it happens) and the radio (if it doesn’t).
Guys. You don’t even know. BSC has been prepping for this season like it was his paid employment. Did you all catch him on that radio show I didn’t listen to because I was feeding the kids dinner? I’ll try to dig up a link. He’s doing mad research and networking and all the stuff I’d do if I did things the smart way instead of just blowing through life with no filter. He is, as far as I can tell, literally the single most accurate and timely source of score updates in the entire effing league. And he’s staying home with two grumpy toddlers with colds so I can go and yell and see my friends and yell. (Not only that, but he knew I would argue with him about it so he arranged for Conway to come get me whether I like it or not, so that’s the that of that.)
This season’s gonna be weird, kids, but we’re all along for the ride.
We love you and all that you do! xoxo Lobster
And look at how far we’ve come!!