

Oh em gee, sports fans, the Backseat Coach and I are exhausted. And if we’re exhausted after doing nothing much more than sit in the stands, yell a lot, take some pictures, tweet some tweets and talk some smack, I cannot even imagine how tired the actual Boston Militia must be. Not that I had to imagine much, since my brief postgame interview with one player went as follows:

Militia Cheerleader: How are you feeling?
Conway (#74): I’m. [pause.] Exhausted.

Rest up, fightin’ Militia! You all played an absolutely awesome game in what I believe was approximately 136 degrees Fahrenheit, without the benefit of such luxuries as a freakin’ scoreboard that worked. What the eff, Dilboy Stadium? In almost every respect, I <3 Dilboy Stadium, I really do. And I get that stuff breaks sometimes; I don't expect perfection from anyone other than myself and Comcast. But dude, either get the effing scoreboard to work BEFORE the big giant important game, or have a contingency plan in place that involves more than relying on announcements from a guy who began the game by asking everyone to turn their attention to the midfield toin coss. And if that really is all you have, freakin' cut the g.d. music when you're saying a thing! We were pretty much on top of the score what with Backseat Coach being the Designated Tweeter and all, and we followed most of the penalties, but we had fuckall idea of where we were timewise in any quarter. I may have started to lose it slightly in the fourth quarter (which I had started to suspect might actually have been the sixth quarter), and wrote out the following with the intention of holding it up against the glass in the press box: [singlepic id=26 w=320 h=240 float=none] …but sadly my brilliant plan was foiled by the harsh reality that I am, in fact, 5′ 4″ and could not reach that high from the bleachers. I was also quite concerned about what team photographer Barry Millman would do since he’s been introducing each game’s pics with a shot of the final score; Mr. Millman, if it helps, we made you this:

[singlepic id=27 w=320 h=240 float=none]

Awright, moving on.

Awesome crowd in attendance, and I was psyched to get to say hi to one of the smaller Militia faithful, seen here with her assistant holding one of the several signs she had brought to the game with her:

[singlepic id=15 w=320 h=240 float=left] [singlepic id=18 w=320 h=240 float=none]

Also got to say hi to the rockin’ Holli Banks of the Somerville Scout who, along with fellow fan Mel LeFavre, once again swept the Best Props category:

[singlepic id=16 w=320 h=240 float=left] [singlepic id=17 w=320 h=240 float=none]

Hope you held onto those sharkies, you two – I hear we’re gonna need ‘em again this Saturday…

I put the pics in this post along with some other ones in the gallery so you can check those out if you want; I’ll close with this one simply because of Barker (#75)’s utterly fantastic “we are NOT amused” look:

[singlepic id=25 w=320 h=240 float=none]

…which might have been aimed at me, might have been due to the interview or might have just been her way of saying that she was, understandably, utterly exhausted. Good night, all!

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