
If you want something done right…

So hey there! Welcome to the newly remodeled Militia Cheerleader site, complete with brand new, totally unofficial and absolutely unauthorized playoffs section (guaranteed to be at least 93% accurate!). Please have a look around and let me know if you see anything that doesn’t look right.

I decided to separate the playoff stuff a bit because this site starts to get exponentially more hits during the post-season as it’s one of the only places people can find consolidated info. (My spreadsheets bring all the everyone to the yard.) And that makes me feel weird about writing some of the stuff I normally write – y’know, stuff about about Toin Coss Announcer Guy or about my kids or whatever the hell else I write that’s not about Toin Coss Announcer Guy or my kids. I feel like if you just wanna know what time the San Diego game is or how the wild card teams got chosen, you shouldn’t have to wade through that other stuff. Plus I swear a lot. So I put all that playoff stuff over in its own little section so if that’s what you want, rock on out over there. And if you want profanity and stuff about my kids, well, you can fuckin’ get that right here. Happy playoffs, everyone!

3 thoughts on “If you want something done right…

  1. Fat head! Fat head!

    (speaking of, I think you can get those custom made now. How awesome would it be to have life-size action shots of TC and Scout stuck on the wall in the playroom?? TC would talk about himself for DAYS.)

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