
let’s get ready to gruuuuuuuuumble!!!!!

What’s up, new season? Besides this, I mean:

(click on images to see bigger versions)

It was parked outside the stadium today, although I did receive the sneak-preview photos above from an inside source. And by that I mean someone who saw the truck before I did. Yay, Militia Truck!

I am thrilled to say that our Boston Militia have both kicked ass and taken names in their first two games this season (56-6, 59-10); they’re playing great, they’re psyched up, their fan base is growing and I can’t wait for the rest of the season. So naturally, I’m going to use this entry to complain about things.

  1. Hey, Mr. Announcer Guy, either learn the names and numbers of the players on the field or hand the microphone to someone who already has. You’d have a number of volunteers in the stands; amongst others, I’d nominate the woman sitting near us who was prepared to storm the announcers’ booth if you called #22 “Hefferman” one more time.
  2. Start selling season tickets already.
  3. Why is no one covering the Militia games on goddamned Twitter? I didn’t see one freakin’ update on tonight’s game on @IWFL. And to those of you who would suggest that if I don’t like it, I can get on that particular duty I say this: there are things the Militia Cheerleader can do, and there are things she can’t do. She can write cranky blog posts in the third person; she cannot give play-by-play commentary. Well, she could, but it would pretty much look like this:

    CT Crushers just tried to do a thing! And it didn’t work! Ha! We’ll probably score again.

    So she’s not gonna. But someone should.

  4. Note to self: save screenshots or archives of articles you link to. Just about every damn thing I linked to in earlier posts is no longer available to read…I’ll see if I can find some cached versions or something later. Bollocks.
  5. It was really cold at the game tonight, and I wore layers and everything. WTF, man.
  6. I mostly threw that last one in because I’m trying to put off writing about the one thing that I AM honestly bullshit about, that being the ongoing unbelievable lack of support, recognition or appreciation for the Militia and all other teams in the league from virtually any source that is not a family member or a friend. This sport is so far under the mainstream radar that it fucking kills me. I’m going to write about this some more later, and I’m hoping to get to ask some of the Militia themselves about how they interpret it and what suggestions they might have for how to try to change that, but for now I am still working on getting my anger management skills together enough to be able to have a conversation about this without it degenerating into a furious tirade or physical violence. But hey, maybe someone would cover THAT on Twitter.

Final note: Both I and the Backseat Coach (a.k.a. Mr. Militia Cheerleader) were very confused by the mid-game announcement that the concession stand would now be selling make-believe hot dogs. Hey, we were close.

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