Alpo on the field

Meet Your Militia: Alpo (#50)

Our first “Meet Your Militia” participant is offensive lineman Alpo (#50). (Please note that I’m not planning on putting players’ real names with their interviews unless they specifically ask; I’m not sure everyone would necessarily want this blog showing up in search engine results if someone looked them up. And while we’re at it, please also note that the disclaimer at the top of this site still applies during this Q&A; the fact that someone was generous enough to take a few minutes to answer some random questions from a fan doesn’t mean they endorse everything else that I write here, yeah? Yeah. OK, enough of that. Let’s get to the good part.)

Alpo on the field
Alpo on the field
© Threepairs Photography

1. What’s your favorite part of game day?

Besides the thrill of playing, there are a few little things…Our pregame speech by 54, my ritual with the BRAT pack, the National Anthem, the first hit coming out of my stance. Looking around the locker room before every game and thinking how incredibly lucky I am to be a part of this amazing craziness. Check marks and lastly, Lionel Richie. Yes, Lionel Richie.

2. Are there people in your life who don’t like that you play football?

My mom. And my grandfather. I think it’s funny because my grandmother doesn’t seem to mind it too much, as long as I don’t get hurt. But either way, they still support me.

3. We’ve heard that in addition to being a guidance counselor, a high school athletics coach and a football player, you’re also a competitive weightlifter. When you get in an argument or someone just pisses you off, do you think to yourself “Man, I could totally pick you right up over my head and bodyslam you WWE-style right here”? If not, will you from now on?

Haha, not so much the body slam part, maybe just throw them across the room. It is quite similar to a log press, though.

4. What is something that’s made you feel supported as a Militia player?

Since my first game, my friends and family have been supportive. My friends traveled as far as DC and Montreal. Some of the kids I coach take buses and trains to get from Chelsea to Somerville. My dad never misses a home game. And my 11-year-old Godson has this odd obsession with skull and crossbones…no idea where THAT came from.

It’s kinda amazing when you walk into the stands after a game and there are kids waiting for your autograph. One of my little fans who only knows me from coming to the games (Hi Hannah!) saw me after the DC game last year and asked if we could take a picture together. Even with all those crazy emotions running though me, I hoisted her up on my shoulders and her mom took our picture with probably two of the most sincere smiles ever. She may think I made her night, but she made mine.

Big shout out to the Somerville Scout and Kelly MacDonald Photography for the article that was in a recent issue of the Scout. Holli and Kelly, you two are awesome!

[Editor’s note: we’ll be posting a link to that article very soon – stay tuned!]

5. What is something you’d like see happen that would make you feel more supported?

I would love to be able to open to the sports section of the paper every week, whether it be the Herald or the Globe, and see the stats from the game, some highlights, maybe even a picture or two. Instead of Monday Morning QB we can have Militia Mondays. Sounds good to me! What else? Highlights on the news. We have been on before, but that was for the playoffs. Other teams air their games on local TV, why don’t we? We have had radio interviews, halftime and intermission interviews during Celtics and Bruins games, ads in the Improper Bostonian, even commercials. And to be paid like the WNBA! Ok, maybe I am asking for a lot…

6. Have you ever locked your keys in your car?

Who hasn’t? Luckily now that I drive a Jeep, it doesn’t happen anymore.

Alpo in Strongman competition
Alpo competing in Strongman/Strongwoman competition, August 2008
Photo credit: Toal (#21)

One thought on “Meet Your Militia: Alpo (#50)

  1. Alpo IS a beast and Personally Offensive line(WO)man don’t get nearly enough credit as they should, especially the Militia O line. They are the reason every offensive play gets to happen, The Militia has a solid O line and because of them the overall offense is amazing !

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