Meet your new favorite phrase

So every time I’ve tried to sit down and write about Saturday’s game and briefly attending the afterparty and how psyched I am for the Eastern Conference Championship and all that, I get totally overwhelmed and can’t decide where to start and then get caught up in some other thing I’m supposed to be dealing with and give up on the post. So I’m just gonna cut to the chase and start with this concrete item: I am hereby officially coining the phrase “to pull a Vicky Eddy.”

Pulling a Vicky Eddy means, essentially, “to come out of nowhere and completely decimate someone with absolutely no warning.” If you were involved in or in attendance at the Militia v. Sharks game last weekend, this should make sense; if you were not – well, first of all, sucks to be you. Yeah, it was raining and gross, but when you gotta go fishing, you gotta go fishing so if you weren’t there, you missed some fantastic moments. The one that’s relevant here is a little complicated and I think I’ll let the Backseat Coach give the detailed explanation, but basically, it involved a blocked PAT attempt chased down by a Shark, some confusion about rules and then, in the words of Weiny (#85):

me and barker were just standing right next to the girl thinking hmmm, do we hit her? touch her? is the play dead? then WHAMMMM!! like a freaking bat out of hell vicky eddy adds another hit to the highlight reel.

Your Militia Cheerleader does not as of yet have video of this event in her possession – you can see the first part of the play here starting around 1:55, but whaddaya know, the clip ends a fraction of a second before the moment that was the inspiration for this expression.

UPDATE: Video here! Make sure you’re watching the clip from June 12, and start it around 2:34.

Maybe complete footage will turn up at some point, [see above] but you should feel free to start using your new terminology anyway. Examples of correct usage:

I thought I was gonna be able to leave work early but my boss totally pulled a Vicky Eddy in our noon staff meeting and now I’ve got seven articles that need abstracts written by tomorrow morning.

– How should I tell her I want to move out? Should I sort of drop hints here and there for a while?
– Nah, dude. Just pull a Vicky Eddy and get it over with.

Try it at home, kids!

Moving on: the Backseat Coach and I continue to be distressed by the lack of the Militia Truck waiting by the entrance of the stadium. At least this time M.T. was in the vicinity, but seriously, what is going on? Backseat Coach thinks maybe its former locale by the front gate is a fire lane or something, but even if that were true, why banish the poor thing to the far regions when there’s plenty of closer places that would be perfectly legal? The second theory is that maybe management was worried it might be subject to acts of vandalism, but if that’s the case…um, did that not occur to you BEFORE you invented Militia Truck? But man, it’s too bad you don’t know anyone who, like, has connections with the auto business, ’cause I bet they know people who know how to fix that stuff.

What else? Oh! These girls! Yay! Other highlight of the game: the Pat Benatar song playing over the PA system ends, and one of these little ones keeps the moment alive by yelling out solo: “Hit me! With your BEST SHOT!” Rock on, little fisherwoman!

Finally: the Backseat Coach may start making some posts of his own around here; I think the author of any given post is displayed in teeny tiny writing underneath the post title but even if that’s not noticeable, I wouldn’t think it would be too hard to figure out who wrote what. Post contains the phrase “conference parity” or any reference to garbagetime? BSC. Post contains any paragraph beginning “So hey!” or the use of any variation of the word “effing”? MC in the house. Just figured I’d give you a heads up; didn’t want to pull a Vicky Eddy on you.

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Game Day notes

In my last game recap, I forgot to mention that the Militia Truck was nowhere to be found at the stadium, and I found that terribly distressing. I heard later that it was possibly getting even more Militia bling put on it, but irregardless, it had better be at the game today. Dammit, Militia Truck, you have ONE job to do!


The answer to “What to make with the shiny Militia fabric?” turned out to be “Nothing, because I had to work later than I thought.” Sad, I know, but it’s still sitting around waiting to be made into something ridiculously awesome (or at least ridiculous).


For your nonsequitur enjoyment, here are some phrases found in the IWFL Facebook thread regarding the games today printed completely out of context:

  • We’re taking the ECC and the SHIP!
  • Hold the Rope.
  • don’t get your knoickers in a bunch…
  • BLURPLE!!!
  • dont get ur KNOCKERS in a bunch.


Verbatim chat message I wrote yesterday to someone who is also on the IWFL mailing list and thus got the All-Star roster delivered to their inbox:

6:03 PM raise your hand if you are totally dorking out on IWFL all-star data (namely, the formation of same into arbitrary and statistically meaningless charts indicating outcomes which are at best misleading)

6:07 PM just me, then.


Black fingernails, red tips. Playoffs, baby!!!

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THIS JUST IN: Militia/Divas game transcends boundaries of space, time

Wow! I mean, I knew it was an exciting game, but it wasn’t until I read the recap on the Boston Militia homepage that I discovered just how amazing it was! It’s not every game that you encounter a wrinkle in the space/time fabric like that. Maybe it’s because it was just so goddamn hot.

Sadly, your faithful Militia Cheerleader does not at this moment have time to review the rest of the transcript to see if there were any more extraordinary events that she and the Backseat Coach missed when they were observing the game, but if you happen to know of any, please do let us know.

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Weiny evading Divas left and right during last Saturday's win over DC. © Threepairs Photography

Meet Your Militia: Weiny (a.k.a. RJ) #85

Next up on “Meet Your Militia” is wide receiver/tight end Weiny (the Artist Formerly Known as RJ) (#85), who was generous enough to take on this interview when I probably should have left her alone to prepare for the Showdown in Somerville (hey, did that guy even show up for the damn toin coss? I totally didn’t see that guy there). However, as evidenced from the photo below, I don’t think I did much permanent damage to her concentration, as she is clearly able to simultaneously run circles around defensive backs AND provide further evidence of the Boston Militia’s odd obsession with Lionel Ritchie.

Weiny evading Divas left and right during last Saturday's win over DC.
© Threepairs Photography

1. When you’re on the field during a game, can you hear the snippets of songs that are broadcast over the PA system between plays? Can you hear the announcer?

When I’m on the sideline I can certainly hear the music, and I admit I’ll dance a little. But on the field, it’s like white noise. I’ll occasionally hear a teammate screaming my name or a coach directing me, but other than that I have no idea what’s going on off the field. However, I can definitely hear “Brick House” after the four million TDs Mia scores.

2. If you could invite anyone in the world to one of your games (and have them accept the invitation), who would it be? (I was pretty much thinking “famous people”, but you could say “the Rwandan orphan I’ve been sponsoring through UNICEF” or something and make me feel like a tool, if you wanted.)

Hmmm, that’s a crazy question because there are so many people who I wish could see what we do! I’m gonna have to say Vince Young. He made that comment a while back about football being a “man’s sport” and women shouldn’t play BLAH BLAH BLAH. I’m all about proving people wrong, so I would LOVE for him to be front and center at one of our games…he can even stand on the sidelines with us (if he’s not too scared of people knocking him over).

And maybe Lionel Richie could come sing “All Night Long” for us in the locker room?? The whole team would just die of excitement.

Weiny (together with Samurai (#9)) demonstrates why it's not a good idea to make bets involving post-game celebration wardrobe choices.

3. Often, people’s nicknames bear at least some relation to their given name. Your name is Emily W. and your first nickname when you joined the Militia was RJ. Care to explain?

Well, I’m Jewish. Clearly – my last name is Weinberg. So when I was a rookie, Alpo (also Jewish) started calling me RJ for Rookie Joo (yes, we spell it Joo – this is not meant to be offensive, it’s just us having fun) and it really stuck. People started calling me RJ without having any idea what it stood for, and when they found out they thought it was hilarious. Now, there are only about five people who still call me RJ ’cause I’m not a rookie anymore, but they’re still attached to it. Nowadays it’s Weiny (wine-eey) or more recently Weeny…oof.

4. What is something that’s made you feel supported as a Militia player?

I have some unbelievable friends who are just the biggest supporters of myself and of the team. The ones on your website with the sharks sign reading “Hey little fishies…I’m-a eatchu!!” – THAT’S THEM!!! And many more come to the games or are constantly calling and texting to wish me good luck. Some of them are even considering shelling out the big bucks to come travel with us if (and when) we make it to [the championship game in] Texas so they can be there to cheer us on!! And some of them traveled to DC with us earlier in the season and were the loudest fans in the stands! It’s an amazing feeling knowing I have people in my life who support me like that.

I also LOVE meeting all the kids at our games who are so excited to watch our games and meet us. At our most recent game, I had a 9-year old girl approach me asking me to autograph her program. Her parents told me that she found our team on the internet all by herself. Apparently her dad had told her she should go out for cheerleading, which she thought was a horrible idea, so she started searching for girl’s football teams in the area. She found us, asked her parents to take her to the game, and I’m pretty certain that in another nine years, she’ll be playing for the Boston Militia.

5. What is something you’d like see happen that would make you feel more supported?

I would have to agree with Alpo and say that seeing our scores in some of the papers the next morning would be amazing. If all the other professional sports teams are included in the sports section every day, why not add our team to that list? This is not to say that they haven’t done some nice pieces on us in the past, but something more consistent like a score or a game summary would be fantastic! I also think it’s awesome that the Pittsburgh Passion are able to air their games on TV, and it would be fantastic if we were able to do that. Lastly, the day we make ESPN’s Top 10…holy crap.

6. Justin Timberlake: yay or nay?

Well….I was a HUGE NSYNC fan, so JT will always be a yay in my books.

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Oh em gee, sports fans, the Backseat Coach and I are exhausted. And if we’re exhausted after doing nothing much more than sit in the stands, yell a lot, take some pictures, tweet some tweets and talk some smack, I cannot even imagine how tired the actual Boston Militia must be. Not that I had to imagine much, since my brief postgame interview with one player went as follows:

Militia Cheerleader: How are you feeling?
Conway (#74): I’m. [pause.] Exhausted.

Rest up, fightin’ Militia! You all played an absolutely awesome game in what I believe was approximately 136 degrees Fahrenheit, without the benefit of such luxuries as a freakin’ scoreboard that worked. What the eff, Dilboy Stadium? In almost every respect, I <3 Dilboy Stadium, I really do. And I get that stuff breaks sometimes; I don't expect perfection from anyone other than myself and Comcast. But dude, either get the effing scoreboard to work BEFORE the big giant important game, or have a contingency plan in place that involves more than relying on announcements from a guy who began the game by asking everyone to turn their attention to the midfield toin coss. And if that really is all you have, freakin' cut the g.d. music when you're saying a thing! We were pretty much on top of the score what with Backseat Coach being the Designated Tweeter and all, and we followed most of the penalties, but we had fuckall idea of where we were timewise in any quarter. I may have started to lose it slightly in the fourth quarter (which I had started to suspect might actually have been the sixth quarter), and wrote out the following with the intention of holding it up against the glass in the press box: [singlepic id=26 w=320 h=240 float=none] …but sadly my brilliant plan was foiled by the harsh reality that I am, in fact, 5′ 4″ and could not reach that high from the bleachers. I was also quite concerned about what team photographer Barry Millman would do since he’s been introducing each game’s pics with a shot of the final score; Mr. Millman, if it helps, we made you this:

[singlepic id=27 w=320 h=240 float=none]

Awright, moving on.

Awesome crowd in attendance, and I was psyched to get to say hi to one of the smaller Militia faithful, seen here with her assistant holding one of the several signs she had brought to the game with her:

[singlepic id=15 w=320 h=240 float=left] [singlepic id=18 w=320 h=240 float=none]

Also got to say hi to the rockin’ Holli Banks of the Somerville Scout who, along with fellow fan Mel LeFavre, once again swept the Best Props category:

[singlepic id=16 w=320 h=240 float=left] [singlepic id=17 w=320 h=240 float=none]

Hope you held onto those sharkies, you two – I hear we’re gonna need ‘em again this Saturday…

I put the pics in this post along with some other ones in the gallery so you can check those out if you want; I’ll close with this one simply because of Barker (#75)’s utterly fantastic “we are NOT amused” look:

[singlepic id=25 w=320 h=240 float=none]

…which might have been aimed at me, might have been due to the interview or might have just been her way of saying that she was, understandably, utterly exhausted. Good night, all!

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“––– it. It’s time.”

I am, of course, beside myself with excitement and anxiety over the aforementioned showdown in Somerville tomorrow, and at this moment that’s manifesting in my utter inability to decide whether to paint my nails red with black tips or black with red tips. (I’d post another poll but I think I’m over the Reasonable Number of Polls One Can Post in a Week threshold.)

Your Militia Cheerleader, in case you hadn’t figured this out, is not an athletic person. I have never in my life played any individual or team sport even remotely seriously. I got talked into playing soccer once at a picnic in college and broke two of my toes. (True story.) So I don’t really know what to say to someone before a big game; I don’t know how to help them prepare.

But I figured, who knows what the Boston Militia needs to hear better than the Militia themselves? No one! So it stands to reason that they would be able to give themselves a good ol’ pre-game pep talk, right? Well, THAT I can help with.

In my travels around the interwebs looking for women’s-football-related goodies, I came across a video posted on Boston.com. I’d seen the video before…my guess is that most (if not all) of the people reading this have, too. What I had NOT seen before was the automatically-generated transcript right below the video, which bore this fantastic disclaimer: “May not be 100% accurate.”

So I’m thrilled to present you now with the Militia’s own words, as recorded by some robot somewhere. I separated the text into arbitrary paragraphs, but aside from that everything is direct from the transcript. I strongly suggest that you read this out loud, preferably staging a dramatic reading of some sort. (The ” ––– ” parts are where the robot couldn’t even guess at the words, but I find it’s more fun if you pretend they’re censored curse words and replace them with ones of your own choosing.)

When do women get a chance they’ll line up. And just blast somebody. Never so once I paid so little ––– anything on.

––– it. It’s time. ––– Laying in your body. Is the sacrifice and that element of ––– the contacts when you ration. It’s just so different from any daylight harder hit by Sarah ––– pattern of injuries. Last year in the games and things would mean.


Guide means am I think actually outlined above immigrant a lot of it’s taking him like that. –––

Giving up your ––– and now you’re expecting people in the U. So that. Sports. ––– win the most physical sports. But it’s. There’s you know London sudden girls out there yet to stick up for each other the other teams come after. I ––– ninety goes one waves. The sunny mornings I wake up and cracked a ––– this latest. They’re great because you know you played you know contributed expects a tribute to the next three days you’re ––– what I’m doing but then ––– you know that it.

Pregame where you can get in ––– like accidentally destroys ––– for ––– about it. I mean if you’re gonna talk about a diverse group of girls it’s right here you got everything you could possibly think ––– on this team.

Yet if you put us on the team ––– it’s like you know bond. Beyond belief ––– me. I would.

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Good luck, Militia!!

p.s. Link to video & transcript is here.

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