Notes from Boston (2012 end-of-season edition)

So on the night of the Boston/Chicago semifinal, I went with Backseat Coach back to our hotel room after the game and proceeded to stay up until 3 am writing a long, cathartic, six-page single-spaced essay about everything that had happened in the Militia’s world in the last few weeks. And then the next morning I checked Facebook and saw this status update from one of the players:

Boston Militia all day – this L is based on politics. Charge it to the game.

And I thought, who the hell needs my 5,000-word Unabomber diatribe when she just summed it all up in two sentences? So I sat on this for a while. Then the WFA final got closer, and I wanted to post something about why Backseat Coach and I were not there (we had planned from the beginning of the season to go, regardless of who was playing). Part of it is that I’m utterly exhausted and have been really sick over the past two weeks (Dear whoever said the nausea ends after the first trimester: Excuse me, but your pants are on fire). But part of it absolutely is that I’m so angry and frustrated by the string of bizarre events that capped off the Militia’s 2012 season that I can’t bring myself to celebrate this league right now. I do not, at the moment, have any pride in the WFA. And I can’t bring myself to spend a thousand-plus dollars and get sick on an airplane while trying to hold a 15-month-old on my lap to get to something produced by an organization for whom I have nothing but contempt right now, for multiple reasons. I just can’t do it.

So I wanted to try to explain more about that, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to edit down the huge thing I wrote after the Chicago game. So here’s the majority of it (minus a few bits that really were superfluous). It’s long and it’s loud and it’s from my heart, because that’s really the only way I know how to write.


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Chai-town notes from the road, 2012 edition

Hey! If you’re looking for the links to coverage of tonight’s games, they’re right here.

It’s a bird. It’s a bug. I hope it’s not a bug.

Dear Chicago: What the hell is in the tree outside our hotel room that sounds like a discordant fire alarm? Is it a bird? A bug? A lot of bugs? We have no idea. But it’s really weird. Giant locusts? Are we too far north for cicadas? Man, it’s creepy.

You know you’ve been to a lot of away games when you have conversations like this.

– Do you want to go to breakfast or do you want to go to the hotel first?
– Let’s go to the hotel; there’s breakfast right across from there.
– There is?
– Yeah, don’t you remember? Right across there street there’s a Denny’s.
– Oh yeah, there is. IN AUSTIN.
– Oh. Right.

In case you were wondering…

…who drives a neon blue Ford Mustang rental car: why yes, yes, that would be us. I actually think it’s the car they give you when they think you may have come to Chicago specifically to commit a crime of some sort. Ain’t too many of these babies out on the road. Also, oddly enough, Ford Mustangs were apparently not designed with short pregnant women in mind. That shit is low to the ground, is all I’m saying. It would have to be a pretty decent crime to make it worthwhile for me to get in and out of that car just for that.

Yay, this article. Boo, my standards.

This is a pretty good article, for a mainstream media article. Or, as I put it to Backseat Coach: “Hey, you should read this. There’s no part of it that made me want to bang my head against a wall.” I said that, and then I thought about how wicked sad it was that THAT’S where I’ve set the bar for mainstream media these days. But honestly, can you blame me?

P11 what-what!!

Gathering troops to hit Party City for any last-minute ridiculous gameday needs. Jen of the Force, if you’re reading this, I’m sorry in advance for the cowbells, friend. But a cheerleader’s gotta do what a cheerleader’s gotta do. Militia, go do what you do. I’ll be cheering.

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Don’t you wish your boyfriend was hot like mine

So this afternoon, the whole elaborate farce that Backseat Coach and I have been perpetrating for four years came crashing down. Do you know how hard it was to try to get people to believe that there was a straight guy who was legitimately interested in women’s football for other than lascivious reasons? I mean really. It was just exhausting. Which is why it was almost a relief when someone accidentally outed us on Facebook this afternoon while trying to provide a link to Backseat Coach’s Twitter feed:

Yes, it’s true. My boyfriend and the father of my children is, in fact, Heidi Klum. Now you know.

OK, fine, that’s not really Heidi Klum. But I don’t know that many blonde women and I just watched the season premiere of Project Runway last night so that’s what you get.

And fine, that’s not really my boyfriend. And that’s totally not at all his Twitter avatar icon thing, so I really don’t know why it showed up there. But I DO know that it made me snort lemonade up into my nose when I saw it, which is the classic journalism litmus test for whether or not something deserves to be publicized.

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WFA Conference Championships! (7/21/12)

National Conference Championship: Boston Militia @ Chicago Force
Saturday, July 21st
7 pm local • 8 pm EST
Video: Live stream on the Chicago Force website. It will be available as free video-on-demand from their site after the game as well.
Audio: WJOB 1230 (online, and there’s even a mobile app! Awesome.)
Twitter: Play-by-play from @backseatcoach and the regular Force twitter feed. If the play-by-play is too much for you, quarterly/scoring updates will be available via the Boston Militia Twitter feed and the Force gameday Twitter feed.

American Conference Championship: Dallas Diamonds @ San Diego Surge
Saturday, July 21st
5:30 pm local • 8:30 pm EST • 7:30 pm if for some reason you’re in Chicago
Audio broadcast here and apparently a second one here; the Diamonds will be updating their Facebook page and probably also Twitter. The Surge usually post scoring updates on their Facebook page as well.

Backseat Coach and I intend to be at the Chicago game. Tiny Coach decided to make things interesting by getting incredibly sick over the weekend (if I had less of a thing about privacy I’d post videos of what a 14-month-old playing peekaboo looks like before and after he’s given codeine) but he’s doing a lot better now and we expect to be able to travel as planned on Saturday. (We are assuming that one can carry a cowbell, a giant bling skull & crossbones necklace and about half a dozen pomegranates in one’s carry-on; we’ll keep you posted on the accuracy of this assumption.)

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Open letter to the Boston Militia and the DC Divas

Since Sunday, I have been working on a whole marathon post about the media coverage of last Saturday’s events and every time I thought I was almost done, something worse would come out. At some point I decided that that wasn’t the post I wanted to make; that’s not what I want to say. Anyone with any sense already knows how much it sucks that THIS is what finally catapulted women’s football onto the national scene (albeit briefly), and anyone with the most basic ability to read knows that the comments on those articles are nothing less than an embarrassment to humanity.

So here is what I do want to say. I hope that you can hear it.

I don’t believe that violence defines you, and I believe that you can prove that it doesn’t.

I believe that the men who leave degrading, angry, repulsive comments on stories about you do so because they are fundamentally afraid of what it would mean if you really are as strong and powerful as you look.

I also believe that they are pathetic, cowardly assholes.

I don’t want any of you to get hurt, for any reason, ever. On the field or off.

I want to reclaim this sport from this low point. I have so much passion for it and the amazing women involved – in teams all across the country – and this isn’t what I want to have to focus on.

I need this sport to grow in strength and numbers, because I recently found out that I’ll be having another little boy later this year and since I don’t want either of my sons to ever actually play football, I want them to believe that it’s just a sport for women. So if you all could get on that, that would be awesome.

With true admiration and respect from the top row of the stands,

militia cheerleader

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Lies, damn lies and MORE statistics

So the Massey method correctly predicted the winner of all eight Round 2 games. What’s more, the predicted point spread for five of the eight games were within one touchdown of the actual score. That’s pretty impressive to me. Three games were further outside the predicted spread; one was the Force/Crash game, which had a predicted difference of 65 and a true difference of 56. So, off by 9 points, which to me feels like it’s still within an acceptable margin of error when the spread’s that big anyway. The Diamonds/Mustangs game was a magnified version of that: predicted difference of 57, actual difference of 76. This is not surprising to me as I kind of feel like tacking on two or three touchdowns to any predicted Diamonds score when they’re playing someone they can decimate since they seem to be fond of scoring in unnecessary situations. The Bandits/Central Cal game was the only one with a truly surprising score – it was predicted to be a nailbiter, within 3 points. Actual score? Bandits: 34, Central Cal: 8.

Was that game a failure of the Massey system and, by association, a failure of the concept of using statistics to predict game outcomes? Some would say yes. Some would also be dingbats. To me, it was perfect. If stats correctly predicted the outcome of every game always, the games would cease to have meaning or interest. That doesn’t mean that the statistical predictions are baseless or fundamentally inaccurate – they say what SHOULD happen, based on measurable factors. We watch (or listen or follow) because we don’t know when something might outweigh those measurable factors. That said, dunno if I see that happening with any of these four games – as I’ve mentioned before, the WFA is a bit strange in that games tend to get MORE predictable as playoffs progress.

Predicted outcome of WFA Round 3 playoff games using Massey ratings:

  • Chicago Force over Jacksonville Dixie Blues by 57 points
  • San Diego Surge over Bay Area Bandits by 35 points
  • Dallas Diamonds over KC Tribe by 19 points
  • Boston Militia over DC Divas by 15 points

Tomorrow or Saturday morning I’ll make another post with game times for all of these and links to whatever feeds I can find info on. In the meantime, enjoy this comparison between the 2011 and 2012 WFA playoffs; had Chicago not been redistricted out of the mother of all meatgrinder divisions this season, I think this whole round might have been entirely identical.

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