The post in which I don’t mention Tara Stephenson, not even once

So in past years, when games like today’s were coming up, I would periodically stop throughout the week, overcome by a feeling of anticipation & anxiety, and it would take me a moment to place it. “Saturday! Divas game,” I would say to whomever was near. (This worked better when it was Backseat Coach; not as well when it was some dude on the Red Line platform.)

But this time, I don’t have that. It’s just been pure excitement. Possibly this is due to my medication working better than in previous years, but I think there are some other contributing factors as well. Emory Hunt, Bizarre Czar of the Playbook, has chosen the Militia to win this weekend’s matchup. And what’s more, he decided this time not to even try to pronounce a single Boston player’s name (sorry, Tiamfork and Kaheel). I’m not sure if that’s a definitively auspicious sign, but it’s certainly notable.

Also, today Tiny Coach started saying “Uh-oh!” at random moments and then laughing hysterically. This can only mean that our one-year-old son is psychic and has prior knowledge of several plays in today’s game which won’t go so well for DC. Also, he has his Militia socks on.

But mostly I think I’m not that concerned because the Boston Militia are really, really good. That’s what it comes down to: this is their house and this is their game. Showtime.

p.s. Did you notice how I didn’t mention Tara Stephenson? Not even once? See, I’m growing as a person.

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