Item: Tiny Coach will not be joining us at the game because oddly enough, the Militia management have chosen not to schedule their games on a timetable that caters to those with a 7 pm bedtime. In exchange, however, I offer you the Opening Day Photo Montage on the right there.
Item: Can we talk about the Boston Militia website for a moment? There have definitely been some excellent improvements: I love the bewildered-looking Twitter bird who seems to have landed on the field at an inopportune moment. I love the very unsettling “Like Us on Facebook” imperative with the menacing skull grin looming in the background (I picture him saying “…OR ELSE.”) I love that the Youtube link goes to Backseat Coach’s channel.
I do not love the SEO tactic of repeating the phrase “women’s football” eighty thousand times on each page. Did anyone else notice this? If you want to be a women’s football player on a women’s football team, you can follow the women’s football link to the page about tryouts for women’s football. Now, I love keyword density as much as the next girl, but this starts to come off like that woodchuck chuck thing. But honestly, if that’s the biggest thing I have to complain about, I think we’re doing pretty damn well.
Item: When talking about the Boston Militia (women’s football team), which I do on a regular basis, I often find myself using the first person plural (“We’ve won the national championship two years in a row” or “DC is really our strongest competitor”, etc.) And then I feel ridiculous, because I haven’t won jack squat and I’m fairly certain the cheeseburgers served at our home games would be more competitive on the field than I would. I remember a comedian talking about this phenomenon; something to the effect of “You know how after some team wins a big game, they show some dudes in the stands yelling ‘We’re number one! We’re number one!’ No, THEY’RE number one. YOU’RE fat and drunk.”
Item: Here’s to a fantastic season, Boston Militia women’s football team! We’re You’re number one. Well, ok, Tiny Coach is too.
Love it MC and BSC and LC!!! FISH FRY!!! Since I don’t have a portable fryer, it’s FISH TACOS!!! Looking forward to watching some women’s football with the Boston Militia, a women’s football team in the Womens Football Alliance at Dilboy stadium, home of 2-time women’s football champions!