2012 Opening Day Discussion Items

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Item: Has everyone seen Football Gameplan’s preview of tonight’s game? The good news is that for the first time in like three years, he’s picked the Militia to win. The bad news is that apparently we have some new QB named Allison Kaheel. Hope she knows what she’s doing.

Item: Tiny Coach will not be joining us at the game because oddly enough, the Militia management have chosen not to schedule their games on a timetable that caters to those with a 7 pm bedtime. In exchange, however, I offer you the Opening Day Photo Montage on the right there.

Item: Can we talk about the Boston Militia website for a moment? There have definitely been some excellent improvements: I love the bewildered-looking Twitter bird who seems to have landed on the field at an inopportune moment. I love the very unsettling “Like Us on Facebook” imperative with the menacing skull grin looming in the background (I picture him saying “…OR ELSE.”) I love that the Youtube link goes to Backseat Coach’s channel.

I do not love the SEO tactic of repeating the phrase “women’s football” eighty thousand times on each page. Did anyone else notice this? If you want to be a women’s football player on a women’s football team, you can follow the women’s football link to the page about tryouts for women’s football. Now, I love keyword density as much as the next girl, but this starts to come off like that woodchuck chuck thing. But honestly, if that’s the biggest thing I have to complain about, I think we’re doing pretty damn well.

Item: When talking about the Boston Militia (women’s football team), which I do on a regular basis, I often find myself using the first person plural (“We’ve won the national championship two years in a row” or “DC is really our strongest competitor”, etc.) And then I feel ridiculous, because I haven’t won jack squat and I’m fairly certain the cheeseburgers served at our home games would be more competitive on the field than I would. I remember a comedian talking about this phenomenon; something to the effect of “You know how after some team wins a big game, they show some dudes in the stands yelling ‘We’re number one! We’re number one!’ No, THEY’RE number one. YOU’RE fat and drunk.”

Item: Here’s to a fantastic season, Boston Militia women’s football team! We’re You’re number one. Well, ok, Tiny Coach is too.

One thought on “2012 Opening Day Discussion Items

  1. Love it MC and BSC and LC!!! FISH FRY!!! Since I don’t have a portable fryer, it’s FISH TACOS!!! Looking forward to watching some women’s football with the Boston Militia, a women’s football team in the Womens Football Alliance at Dilboy stadium, home of 2-time women’s football champions! ;-)

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