Lots of talk, not so much walk.

There are a few topics I’ve been wanting to post about for the last two or three years. Sometimes I try, but I always stop because my level of emotion about the subject compromises my ability to be articulate. (If you’d like to see what that looks like in action, take a look at this Margaret Cho video – start watching at 1:45.)

But I’m biting the bullet & posting this today because I really want to make sure everyone’s clear on this.

So let’s talk about the Lingerie Football League.

I cannot stand the Lingerie Football League.

I have nothing but contempt for LFL founder Mitch Mortaza. The LFL runs contrary to virtually everything I love about women’s football. If you set out with the express intention of creating something to cause the maximum possible damage to the credibility of women’s tackle football, I don’t think you could come up with anything that does that better than the LFL is already doing.

None of that should be news; I’ve been quite open about my dislike of the Lingerie Football League in a number of venues. However, up until yesterday, I have never said one single negative thing about or to any LFL players.

That’s an important distinction to make, because without it, the discussion risks a descent into some cliché catfight thing of some girls against some other girls. And that’s really not what this is. If you want to play for the LFL, go ahead. I can see the appeal – it’s nice to have a lot of people at your games. It’s nice when people think you’re hot. It’s nice to make money for being a football player (yeah, I know that the LFL converted to amateur status this season & as of this year, players are no longer receiving payment from the league. But many are paid for appearances at trade shows or exhibitions, etc., and as far as I’m concerned, that counts.) It’s nice to have your games on TV. It’s nice to have your efforts recognized.

So if that’s what you choose to do, by all means, do it. I will continue to express my thoughts about the league you play for and the men who make money off of it, but I have no need to talk to or about you yourselves.

Unless, of course, you make a semi-coherent seven-minute-long video that ends with this:

THEN I feel obliged to respond to you, and here is what I have to say: I already know of at least fifteen WFA & IWFL players who want very, very much to take you up on that challenge, and I’m pretty sure there are a lot more who will join them once they hear about this. Former Militia player and current badass Mia Brickhouse has volunteered to organize the game; anyone of any league wanting to back up their leaguemates should contact her on Facebook or email her at miabrick8 at yahoo dot com. As of last night, she was still unable find one single LFL player actually willing to participate.

Put up or shut up, ladies.

7 thoughts on “Lots of talk, not so much walk.

  1. I have been doing much of the same. With the recent articles concerning the “fixed” games and putting women’s health at risk, I began to feel sorry for those in the Laughable Football League. But, if they are going to call those out in the WFA and IWFL; it’s time to put up or shut up. Go Mia! I know quite a few women who would love the opportunity at the “challenge”. But let’s maybe wait til this season is over! I know I would love to be in the stands!

  2. http://clevelandsports360.com/wordpress/2011-the-year-we-found-out-how-mitchell-mortazas-lfl-degrades-women/

    How can anyone put in their best effort and know they have nothing to do with the outcome of the game? To participate in a fixed league should be more reason for them to leave it. Continuing to play, with the knowledge of this, is basically condoning being a cheater. SMH. Everything about Mortaza is disgusting, demeaning and promotes exploitation and unfair practices. He should be thrown in jail.

  3. Correction: that’s current Fatass. Looks like I’ll have to contact the ladies from the video to get any response from the LFL. They did make that challenge. I just want to see the game. No agendas here except to end the talk once and for all. Props to the LFL girls if they can hang, but we will never know unless we lace ‘em up ladies.

  4. Im so in on this!! Its time to see who the real woman of the gridiron are!!! Not that i really feel there is much question about it!!

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