
P2 postgame post, now with even less pictures!

After each of several excellent defensive plays by the Militia, I found myself yelling “Fish fry!!” This was surprisingly fun, and I am sad that I may only get to do that once more this season and not even in person (our other game against the Sharks is an away game ON my due date, so even if the PTBNL shows up a little early or a little late, the chances of my being there are pretty much nil).

So this begs the question, can you yell “Fish fry” at other teams? Does it make any less sense than some of the other things people yell at sporting events? As far as I’m concerned, it’s still head and shoulders above yelling “Yankees suck” at a Sox/Tampa Bay game, but I might be off on this one.

And if I can’t yell it at other games, can I yell it at other times – like, say, finally figuring out the multi-conditional formula I need to make a spreadsheet work, or getting a really good parking space, or other people’s good fortune? (“Guess what? My supervisor finally figured out that I was pulling the weight of my entire working group and I’m getting a relief-in-grade bonus.” “Sweet! Fish fry!!”)

Yeah, I dunno about that.


OK, so you know how sometimes there’s a play where we’re on offense and we just need to eke out like one or two more yards for a first down or a TD and the whole world is lined up against whoever has the ball but she’s still somehow moving forward? I have a tendency to yell “Push! PUSH!” in those situations, which seems appropriate to me. My sister attended the game with us last night, and after one such push-yelling episode, giggled & said “Hey, pretty soon we’ll be saying that to YOU.” A fine point you make there. (At least I hope it’s that and not “Fish fry!!”)


Dear Sharks player with the bright yellow shoes,

What’s up with your bright yellow shoes? I’m not sure how they appear to players on the field but to us, they keep looking like someone’s thrown a few flags that for some reason are moving around of their own accord. Also they kind of look like Crocs. If it turns out that it’s some memorial thing where you’re honoring someone by wearing that particular color shoe then ok, I’ll feel like kind of an ass. But if it’s just that yellow shoes are, like, your thing, I have to say it’s a bit obnoxious.

militia cheerleader


I am not and have never claimed to be anything close to an expert on the game of football. But I’ve learned more from watching Militia games in the past three years than I did by watching NFL games my whole life, and I can definitely see that I’ve made strides in this area. I can now often spot an illegal play happening before it’s called, for which I am then inordinately proud of myself. I still have a ways to go, however, because while the people around me are yelling “Holding!” or “Offside!” I am still yelling “Hey! You’re totally not supposed to do that, what you just did!

What can I say? I’m getting there.


The internet radio broadcast of the game by the folks that cover the Sharks can be heard here if you’re interested; we haven’t listened to the whole thing yet but I’m glad it’s there and I’m glad that the people doing the broadcast take the game seriously. However, at the risk of sounding like a nitpicky picker of nits, I do have to say that I am fairly certain that the Militia Dudes at the game represent the Revolutionary War period, not the Civil War.

Speaking of the Militia Dudes, OMG WITH THE FRIGGIN MUSKET FIRE. Please let a pregnant lady know when you’re gonna fire shit off so she doesn’t shriek and lose her already-precarious balance. Also, there was an unfortunate coincidence wherein the muskets were fired right at the same time that one of the Sharks lay down on the sideline (presumably to stretch) but I of course thought OMG THEY SHOT A SHARK. Totally not the fish fry I was looking for.


Overheard in the car on the way home:

Me: Are you going to the away games I can’t go to?
BSC: I dunno. Probably not.
Me: Really? I think you should.
BSC: Well, that changes things a bit.
Me: What, that I think you should go? Dude, I wasn’t asking, like, “How much do you love me”, it was “You’re going to the games i can’t go to, RIGHT?”
BSC: Good to know.
Me: I mean really. Unless I’ve been actively having contractions for a few hours straight already, you totally have time to get to Connecticut, tweet the game, get back and get me to the Brigham.

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